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Welcome to my Under 50 for HER Gift Guide! When making this, I had in mind all of the AWESOME feedback I got from everyone on instagram stories. SO happy that we’re all on the same page…it seems that we have the same “what do I get her?” fears about the SAME family members! Have no fear! My guide is here!
I tried to cover all the requests I received, but also keep it no frills! This guide is easily to browse and shop during a lunch break (or when your little one is down for a nap…same thing right?!). You’ll find ideas for your mom, mother-in-law, sisters, sister-in-law, and for that second cousin in her 20’s that you haven’t seen in 3 years.
Why under $50? Well…when I decide to really SPEND on someone…it’s something I’ve been really meditating on for weeks. Big purchases really take time and heart, and when it comes to those, YOU know your loved ones best! This is for those family members that you STILL can’t find anything for, or need ONE more thing for. And if you’re last minute like me, have no fear, there’s still PLENTY of time!
Please let me know if you have ANY questions at all!
Gratefully with love,
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Rhiana
So many cute ideas, thank you!!
not surprisingly the best gift guide I’ve come across!
Thanks for all of the gift inspo Rhiana!