~ Photography by Natalia Szumlanska ~
~ Outfit Details: Blue OTS Top ~ White Jeans similar here ~ Wedges ~ Tassel Earrings & Ring c/o Andrea Del Bello Jewelry ~ Sunglasses ~ Clutch picked up on our Portofino travels! (but I’m in love with this one, too!)~
~ I know I’ve been a bit more quiet on here and on social than usual, and I never want to neglect the blog. It’s important to me! But, things have been so crazy over the past 2 weeks and I wanted to give a bit of an update on what’s going on in my life, with graduation approaching in just ONE MONTH (July 20th!).
In Milan, I have been enjoying my last workshop, in which I opted for an Entrepreneurship course to focus on building the blog in lieu of an internship. I’ve been loving it! There are 8 of us in this workshop, and my other classmates amaze me with the brands they plan to launch in their home countries. Our mentor, Damen, is awesome and has a vast background of experience. I think we really hit a “home run” in having him for this workshop! I’ve also been learning a lot in my business classes, and since there is such a small number of us in them, I get to ask lots of questions that pertain to the blog, which is so helpful!
Job applications have been consuming my mind and my life more than I care to admit. I made the decision about 4 months ago that I wanted to apply 50/50 to European companies and to American companies. I have an extensive excel of dream companies separated by country (also color coded) and each day, I try to reach out to more and more of them. I’m grateful to have had a few interviews and some great responses! But we will see where I ultimately end up…I hate this uncertain time of change! Did I mention that my CV and portfolios are different for each country? Yep…that’s a thing!
I’m a planner. I like to plan things and know where I will live and where I will be, etc. Not being able to plan IS THE WORST part of this process. I’m tentatively planning to leave Milan August 1, and either head to my new country for a specific job, or head back to the states for a job (* or to keep job searching). August is a “dead month” in Milan, and up until about 2 years ago, even the grocery stores were closed in August! Everyone in Milan flees the city to go to the beach and pretty much everyone has paid time off the entire month (oh to work in Europe…)! I’ve asked classmates from different countries, and it seems like northern Europe continues to work as usual, and so I debated trying to stay one more month. However, paying to live in an empty city to continue with applications wasn’t something I could rightfully justify. Right now, I want to continue to apply, but I also want to get the most out of my last month in Milan. Going forward, I’m going to try to not let the job application consume me as much as it has been….
The thought of leaving my apartment in Milan doesn’t feel great…all those who have been there know how cozy and cute it is. It feels like home. Milan feels comfortable and familiar. I knoooooooow I will miss it and it will finally all hit me once I have left. However, all this said, I am feeling less freaked out and devastated than I had anticipated a few months ago. I think I am excited to get to a country that can communicate better, has better healthcare, is run more efficiently, and isn’t living in the 1960’s (#truth). Being home in the states for just one weekend, enjoying the little things like eating brunch with my friends, drinking mimosas on the water, watching The US Open on TV, even going to Target…all of these little familiarities are enjoyed SO much more after not having them for so long. (* Side note: it took me forever to order brunch…I miss American brunch food more than you would think! )
This week, I flew back for one of my best friend’s weddings. Flying back was a FIASCO. My flight was cancelled after a full day of delays, then I had to stay in a hotel with the rest of the passengers, then after 48 hours of travel finally made it home. I was sad to miss the day I had planned with my nieces, but I had a great evening and sleepover with them my first night back. I miss them most! Then, I had a full day of yearly doctors appointments (glad to have gotten it all in and thankful for knowledgable doctors who speak English!). Then I drove to Maryland for the wedding festivities, which started with the most beautiful brunch on Friday afternoon, hosted for us by the bride! It was good to be back in Maryland. I LOVE being there and I loved seeing all my close friends and meeting my best friend’s new baby! To everyone who said “I’m so jealous you live in Italy!” at the wedding, I kept saying, “This is such a good life here! Don’t be jealous!” Stepping out of the US changes my perspective in a big way! It made me realize how my friends in MD really do have their priorities straight…even many of those who live in the NYC area have missed the mark. Down in MD this past weekend, it seemed that certain things stuck out to me more than usual! I saw friends who went out of their way to support and love each other, kind families, attentive boyfriends and caring husbands, and tight knit groups of friends from childhood. I saw people who 100% have their priorities straight, have learned the meaning of balance, and who live life in a good, healthy, and full way.
I’m back home in PA for one more night! I feel exhausted and I’m not even sure how I’m still going right now, but I just wanted to give this small little update anyhow. I’m grateful for this year! I’m grateful for what it has taught me both career wise and life wise. I’m grateful for what I’ve learned, all I’ve seen, and the friends I’ve made. I’m even more grateful for the greater perspective it’s given me upon returning to my own country. I’m grateful for all of you following along on the journey! I hope that each post offers something you can take away, learn from, and apply to your own daily life, whether it be travel, style, or life related!
Gratefully with extra love,
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Rhiana
I loved reading this post so much and wish you the best of luck with the job search!! I have NO doubt that you are going to land a phenomenal role and continue your colorful and adventurous life– no matter where it is! 🙂 xx
Amy you are SO sweet! Thank you love and thank you so much for the encouragement…I’m seriously so grateful! The in-between times are never fun, but hopefully things come together soon! I can’t wait to catch up on Monday and hear about YOUR exciting post grad plans! xoxoxo